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Has God really spoken?

"Has God really spoken? Can I trust the Bible?" Chapter 2 of Grudem's "Bible Doctrine" is dealing with the authority and the inerrancy of the Bible. If the Bible's claims about itself are in doubt, how can it be trusted? Aren't there errors in the Bible? If there are, how can I believe anything I find there? 

We hold that God inspired the human writers of Scripture to write down exactly what He (God) intended. Jesus said in His high priestly prayer, "...your word is truth..." The force of that statement is dramatic. He is not simply saying that God's word is "true," but that it is truth. That leads us to consider, what is the absolute standard of truth? Is it my intellect and reason? Or is there a higher authority? As you read the second chapter of BD, consider your answer, and then look again at the contrast between liberal Protestantism and biblical Christianity (BD, pp.44-45).

Dr. Nash


  1. My apologies for the difficulty some of you had in trying to post a response . I have adjusted the settings, which should allow you to post comments without difficulty. I would ask that you identify yourself in your comment so that I can give credit for your participation. Weather permitting, I'll see the Saturday group tomorrow morning. If we are delayed or cancelled, the administration will let us know. Since the Wednesday meeting was recorded on Zoom, we may be able to have that available for the Saturday group if we need to cancel, which would keep us on track with the syllabus.
    Dr. Steven Nash

  2. I reached out this blog successfully and read the articles. -Chanwook Lee


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